$10 Meals: Tinga in Montclair

by Melody Kettle

As a social gastronomist (read: I hate the term food blogger!), eating out is an occupational hazard that wreaks havoc on the waistline and the wallet. 

In the interest of economic responsibility, we at HFTK have decided to scour northern NJ for the best bargains on a plate:  $10 Meals.

Our first $10 meal comes from Veggie Girl and #MeatlessMonday HFTK contributor, Dianne Wenz.

"At Tinga in Upper Montclair, I had two tacos stuffed full of rice, beans lettuce and pico de gallo along with a side salad for $8.25. The meal came with a basket full of complimentary chips and salsa, and I had an iced tea that cost $1.75 (with free refills) bringing the grand total of my meal to exactly $10."

If you find a great meal up to $10.99, let us know!  Take a pic and send it to hotfromthekettle@hotmail.com.  There are two rules, the food has to be presented on a plate (no street food, or parchment wrapped packages allowed - that would be too easy) and the food must be good!