Pavlovian Recipe: Duck meatballs stuffed with foie gras

by Melody Kettle

There are certain recipes that induce salivation.  These "Pavlovian Recipes," border on food porn, and tantalize, tempt and tease.

The Mindful Chef, Daniel Lanzilotta, (who also makes videos) shared with Hot From The Kettle one of his most decadent, refined, "Pavlovian" recipes: Duck Meatballs stuffed with a dollop of Foie Gras.

Need I say more? Here's the recipe:

Recipe is courtesy of Daniel Lanzliotta, The Mindful Chef.

2-large duck breast
freshly made bread crumbs (loaf of ciabatta bread)
2-3 natural brown eggs
medium size chuck of foie gras
1/4-1/2 cup of parsley
s and p
all purpose flour for dusting
rendered duck fat (as much as one can get from the trimmings)
1/4 cup of grape seed oil
ceramic pan  or pot for sauteing
Salivating? Click here for the rest . . . .