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Going And Coming?

Montclair has barely entered 2012, and there's more news on the restaurant scene. Tutti Vous has closed it’s doors. The Italian eatery, known for it’s edgy, black, white and red decor has posted a sign in their window reading “Restaurant for Sale / Lease” 973-477-5297 Call Solo!”

Owner of Tutti Vous, Mike Mancino, was unable to be reached for comment.





On the opposite side of Bloomfield Avenue, approximately one block west, at 401 Bloomfield Avenue is Kei Kabob, a Persian cuisine eatery (located near the Wellmont, at the former site of Habanero's). There's been a bit of mystery surrounding the long opening of Kei Kebab. 

According to owner, Ashkan Khalaj, Kei Kebab encountered a few "issues" early on, and is now waiting for PSE&G to connect their power and gas. Khalaj estimates the opening to take place in approximately four to five weeks. The business phone number of Keith Kebab, 973-746-4500, is currently disconnected but will soon be restored.