Mother's Day Plans? Take the Poll!

by Melody Kettle

Take our Mother's Day Poll. And remember - - honesty is the best policy.

What Makes a Restaurant Sexy?

by Melody Kettle

Photo Credit: Bohm-MarrazzoWhat makes a restaurant sexy? Is it the lighting, the service, the chairs, the food, or something else? You tell us! 

To read more, and vote for Montclair's Sexiest Restaurant, visit Montclair Restaurant News.

The Hotness Scale! Brick Lane Curry House

by Melody Kettle

Dear HFTK Readers,

Please meet the brand new Hot From The Kettle Hotness Scale!

These polls will be appearing regularly on Hot From The Kettle in the sidebar, and then to the Hotness Scale page, where they will be available for continued voting. I encourage you to vote and share the Hotness Scale on all your avenues of social media.

Although certain restaurants appearing in the polls may be known for "spicy" food, the voting options on the Hot From The Kettle Hotness Scales refer to the overall restaurant experience, including considerations such as food, service, and decor. 

Please enjoy our first Hotness Scale which will gauge the relative hotness of the new Montclair eatery, Brick Lane Curry House.

Your Humble Food Blogger/Vlogger,

Melody Kettle