Cupcakes by Carousel and Phil Cantor Photo Session

by Melody Kettle

Last month I entered a contest at Cupcakes by Carousel on Church Street in Montclair.  The specs of the contest went like this: Each month, Cupcakes by Carousel will draw three names from the entries.  The three winners will receive a photo session for their child/children at Phil Cantor Photography on Lackawana Plaza. After the portraits are complete, they will be displayed on the wall at Cupcakes by Carousel for the following month.
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Hollywood Lemonade Proves That Business Is Oh So Sweet

by Melody Kettle

Sunday was lemonade day in Montclair NJ with scores of refreshment stands lining the sidewalks all over town.

The lemonade stands were a project done by 4th graders in conjunction with Montclair State University about how to start a business. While the basic concept of a lemonade stand was universal, groups of students had the freedom to create the name of their business, pricing, special offerings, and what to do with the profits.

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