Fricasseè French Bistro Prepares to Open in Montclair

by Melody Kettle

Chef Mark Papera

In December, HFTK broke the story on Mark Papera's return to Montclair to resurrect Epernay, his former space, as a new French bistro.

Since that time, Papera and his crew have been renovating 6 Park Street at a rapid clip. New sheet rock and fresh paint, a new mosaic tile floor, new lighting, a new kitchen, and soon, a new awning, will announce Montclair's newest restaurant, Fricassee French Bistro!





Avez-vous faimPapera expects to launch a soft opening next week.  In the meantime, take a look at the menu:

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Vite, French Food Fast at Epernay in Montclair

by Melody Kettle in

French Food Fast comes to Epernay.

Read more on Montclair Restaurant News!